Each week we will be uploading a new message on Sunday mornings.
Sunday 5th September - A return to Moriah and Pastor Tim looking at Luke 10:25-37
Sunday 25th July - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Matthew6:25-34. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 18th July - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Romans 8. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 11th July - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Mark 1 and 2. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 27th June - Message from Rebekah reminding us we are unique.
Sunday 20th June - Message from Pastor Marc reminding us to “look up”.
Sunday 13th June - Message from Pastor Marc continuing to look at Psalm 42. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in. (Part one can be found below - Sunday 30th May)
Sunday 6th June - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Ezekiel 37. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 30th May - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Psalm 42. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 23rd May - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Act 2:1-13. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 16th May - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Mark 4:35-5:43. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 9th May - Message from Pastor Tim looking at 1 Kings 18:41-46. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 2nd May - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Jonah 1 & 2. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 25th April - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Psalm 77. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 18th April - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Matthew 26 & Judges 16. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 11th April - Message from Rebekah during our family service.
Sunday 4th April - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Easter Sunday.
Friday 2nd April - A short Good Friday Message from Pastor Tim
Sunday 28th March - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Palm Sunday in John 12:12-19. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 21st March - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Exodus 17:8-13. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 14th March - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Romans 12. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 7th March - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Psalm 51. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 28th February - Message from Trevor Grant taking about the amazing work of Leprosy Mission.
Sunday 21st February - Message from Pastor Tim taking a second looking at Exodus 3:1-22. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 14th February - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Exodus 3:1-22. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 7th February - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Psalm 100:1-5. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 31st January - A collection of prayers for BMS on their day of prayer and a short devotion from Pastor Tim. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 24th January - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Acts 12:1-19. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 17th January - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Daniel 6. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 10th January - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Jonah 1 and 2. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 3rd January - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Luke 2:8-20. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 27th December - Message from Pastor Marc looking at the truth behind the wisemen. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 20th December - Message from Pastor Tim looking at the our fourth Sunday of Advent from Matthew 2. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 13th December - Message from Pastor Tim looking at the our third Sunday of Advent from Luke 2:1-20. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 6th December - Message from Pastor Marc looking at the our second Sunday of Advent from Luke 2:1-20. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 29th November - Message from Rebekah looking at the first Sunday of Advent. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 22nd November - An Interview, presentation and message from BMS worker Claire Bedford.
Sunday 15th November - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Acts 5:17-32. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 8th November - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Mark 6:30-44. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 1st November - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Mark 2:1-12. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 25th October - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Exodus 3:1-6. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 18th October - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Luke 5:1-11. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 11th October - Message from Pastor Marc looking at 1 Kings 8:14-26. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 4th October - Message from Rebekah looking at Judges 7:7-22. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 27th September - Message from Pastor Tim looking at John 4:43-54. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 20th September - Message from Rach looking at Luke 10:1-10. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 13th September - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Daniel 3:8-18. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 6th September - Message from Pastor Tim looking at John 2:1-11. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 26th July - A farewell interview with our interns as well as Pastor Marc looking at going onward, not going back.
Sunday 19th July - Message from our intern Bekah including testimonies looking at Luke 17:11-19. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 12th July - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Joshua 1:1-9 - Be strong and courageous. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 5th July - Message from Beka looking at Mark 2:1-22. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 21st June - Message from Rach taken from the book of Samuel. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 21st June - Message from Pastor Marc taken from the book of Zephaniah. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 14th June - Message from Pastor Tim from the Gospel of Mark. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 7th June - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Fellowship using passages from the Gospel of Mark. So grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 30th May - Our Pentecost Sunday service including a science experiment from Bekah, a collection of prayers and a reflection by Pastor Tim.
Sunday 24th May - Message from Pastor Tim looking at Acts 9:1-19 so grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 17th May - Message from Bekah looking at John 15:1-5 and Acts 6:1-7 so grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 10th May - Message from Pastor Marc looking at Matthew 27:51-53 and the temple so grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday 3rd May - message from Rach looking at Matthew 14:22-33 and the story of Jesus and Peter in the storm so grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
Sunday the 26th April was a family service on Zoom, so we didn’t have a message to upload. But if you would like to listen to any of our old messages, they can be found in the ‘messages’ section of the website.
Sunday 19th April message from Pastor Tim looking at Luke 10:25-37 and the story of the Good Samaritan so grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
This week we have a video message by Pastor Marc reflecting on doubt so grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
This week we have a video message by Pastor Tim reflecting on Isaiah 29:13-14 so grab a bible if you have one and settle in.
If you wanted to email us your WOW moment send it to moriahrisca@gmail.com.
This week we have a message Pastor Marc preached on Sunday evening 15th March.